Award ceremony entrance lighting options

award ceremony lighting

When planning your award ceremony, you will probably have considered lighting for the stage, the main focal points of the event, and ambient background lighting. But have you considered entrance lighting? Entrance lighting can help your event get off to the best possible start. But how can you illuminate the entrance to your award ceremony effectively? Well, here at Light Design, we are leading event lighting professionals. From award ceremonies to music festivals, we have a range of experience and skills, across all manner of events. And this is our guide to the different options for award ceremony entrance lighting.

Why is entrance lighting so important?

So, why is entrance lighting an important consideration for an award ceremony? Well, for any event, entrance lighting can bring a range of advantages, including:

Impressing your guests – any event is designed to impress the guests, but by using stunning event lighting you can start your event with a real WOW moment. This will generate interest and enthusiasm for your guests, before your event has even started.

Setting the tone for the event – entrance lighting can help establish the tone or mood of the event, right from the start. So you can set the right atmosphere before your guests even walk in. The colour of the lighting used will be an important part of this.

Focusing guest attention – a grand entrance can really focus the attention of your guests and help them to forget about any daily life distractions.

What are the most effective award ceremony entrance lighting options?

Effective award ceremony entrance lighting might be a great way to start your event, but what type of lighting should you choose? And how can you illuminate the entrance in the best possible way? Well, there are a number of options, including:

Gobo projection – Gobo projected lighting is a good choice for entrance lighting. This is a type of lighting that projects patterns (often bespoke) onto the walls, ceiling or carpet. In a hallway, this can create a dramatic effect, illuminating the space between the entrance and the venue space. You can choose patterns that compliment the theme of your award ceremony, as well as colours that will match with the rest of your design theme.

External uplighting – uplighting is a type of lighting that directs light upwards, instead of down. This can create a stunning visual effect, especially outside. If you have external banners on the building, uplighting can provide the practical benefit of illuminating these. While architectural uplighting can highlight any interesting design features or architectural features, on the building itself.

Video wall – a video wall is created by combining LED screens to create a large space of light, that can show anything you want. For an award ceremony, you could position this in the entrance hallway, as a decorative and interesting feature. Or you you could display a video or slideshow of each candidate, and the achievements they have made.

For more information, or for professional lighting support or equipment for your event, get in touch with the team today, here at Light Design.